Summer Snapshots, Ed. 3

New Friends

We moved into a house on rural property at the beginning of the summer.  During the last 6 years living in town(s), there were never kids nearby for our kids to play with.

But, we move 10 miles out of town where we only have 6 neighbors within a mile-radius...and there are kids just 2 doors down!

There is a boy who is right between my 2 oldest boys in age.  And a girl who is  1 month older than my girl.  AND...a baby boy who is a few months younger than our latest lad.

And, if that weren't cool enough...They're NICE! :)  I'm excited for our kids to grow up together. :)


Anonymous (visit their site)

He's a little cowboy! How fun that they have a friend so close by! Ann